Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Remove cannabis revenue from the pockets of narco terrorists.

The business of cannabis is over 100 billion dollars every year in the U.S. alone. A large portion of these funds funnel back to narco terrorists and worse. Legalizing marijuana and allowing for adults to grow their own small gardens would cut this revenue stream that funds terror. It puts money back into American pockets and if done right would create jobs and generate tax revenue.

Cannabis is safer than any other drug on the market. Read the studies and tell me it's not.

Combine all this with the economy and it should be a slam dunk for someone who has toked and has a brain...Mr. Obama.

I would think national security demand we do anything intelligent to undermine the flow of OUR HARD EARNED CASH into the hands of people that would just as soon do us harm and back into our own pockets.

Sometimes it just makes sense to makes changes no matter how unpopular an idea is to the minority. Trust me they will get over it eventually, once they see it helps keep them safe and it's good for the economy.

People need to make our lawmakers aware of how they feel. Once enough see it's an issue that falls squarely in the middle politically and realize, that's a lot of votes...

Pot is not the same as the other dangerous drugs terrorists profit from, I'm not saying legalize those I'm only advocating we take back the funds from cannabis. $50B is a lot of money and that is less than half the market every year. Much less then funnels back I'm willing to bet. That takes a lot of weapons off the streets of the world. Think about it.

Legalize now!

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