Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Medical Marijuana in NJ. IT'S THE LAW!

Corzine signs medical marijuana bill into law

I'm proud to say I actually lived long enough to see medical marijuana laws passed in NJ, this state has been the WORST in the union for marijuana laws for as long as I can remember so I never really thought I'd see this day. EVER! Even though it's the worst law of the 14 states to legalize medical buds it's a HUGE step forward and a great sign for the future.

The New Jersey Compassionate Use Medical Marijuana Act is the most stringent on the books so far but suffering people will finally be allowed access to the medication they know works for them. I hope attitudes change quickly for the rest of us!

The law allows card holders 2 Oz of cannabis per month but patients will not be allowed to grow their own, instead the state will license 6 (at least initially) non-profit dispensaries and allows for 'for profit' licenses to be issued later although the law seems a bit vague here and would seem to allow for whatever administration is running the Gov.'s office some leeway to decide if the state "needs" more or the ones running are enough for now. I wish the lawmakers had thought a bit more about defining this.

The law defines a “Debilitating medical condition”as

(1) seizure disorder, including epilepsy, intractable skeletal muscular spasticity or glaucoma that is resistant to conventional medical therapy;

(2) positive status for human immunodeficiency virus, acquired immune deficiency syndrome, or cancer that results in severe or chronic pain, severe nausea or vomiting, cachexia, or wasting syndrome;

(3) amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, multiple sclerosis, terminal cancer; or

(4) any other medical condition or its treatment that is approved by the department by regulation.

The law does not allow for conditions that can also benefit from medical cannabis such as chronic pain, depression and many others people currently use it for but like I said it's a big step in the right direction.


Norml New Jersey

By TwistmasterDeluxe

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