***Update*** this grow produced 540 grams dry from 600 watts.
Read more and watch the video of the grow
dokkie is the stoned genius running this amazing grow show and it's a must see for anyone interested in LED lighting for growing cannabis. I so wish I was him right now! I would love to work on figuring this out.
The first couple of reply's in the thread are what you see in pretty much every LED test thread and that is "been there...done that. stop wasting your time." or "you'd get better results with HPS..." but believe me when I tell you no matter what you know about growing with LEDs you probably do not know what dokkie knows. I'm not being condescending, he gets what those who have tried and been unhappy with the results don't.
dokkie understands both the problems that have been holding LEDs back and the fact that someone needs to do the research into what each segment of the light spectrum does in the development of cannabis and he's going to do it damn it! ;)
I'll let him explain in this reply to a couple 'haters' (they not really haters at all but you know what I mean)
I allready know what i can do under 600Watt HPS. But what we can do under LED is still in the dark. thats why, last year I called this LED company that advertises in Highlife. I asked them if I could test their lights to see if their up to it. I allso told them that any result good or bad will be publiched by me in Highlife mag. maby softsecrets and on the internet. They found that no problem convinced that their lamps are oke. Whe talked about HPS and LED other light. I asked them for the 600Watt LED lights, cause they wer compairng the 90Watt whit a 400HPS or even maby a 600W. So i told them why not compare a 600Watt LED with a 600Watt HPS. just to see waht LED can do as far as we are now. We can allways go down in watts..
They didn't have a 600Watt LED unit at that time. So I started to test what they gave me instead.
So from than on i'm testing whit the ufo lamps, the 80/10 red/blue , the 90blue. this didn't go that well, lots of stress in the plants and I didn't know what to do whit water of nutes , the temps wer like shit. lots of probs. But I still harvest some buds.
In the meanwhile I stardet to study light, spectra, and the needs of the plant concerning light.compaired my study to wath i see happening under the LED's with cannabis. I asked the LED company to send me LED spots of diferent colours so I could expiriment with these collours on cannabis in her different stages , in combination with the LED lights I allready was testing. They liked the idea and sendet me all kinds of LED spots to exprirment with. And to make a long story short, I gave them al the info I got from these tests and told them why not copy the spectra from the HPS green power master sont + and put that spectrum into a LED cluster. Allso you need to put UV and Infrared into the spectra...Well they listend and as far as they could they broutend the spectra, and they came up with a other light. this one had a brouther spectra and should do better. So I stardet testing that one to. Meanwhile I'm publiching everything that happens in detail.
I sprouted some seeds of different strains under this new LED light. they came up in like 2 days. and grew nicely into strong little tottlers. than the flowering stage came on. First it all went oke, but than into the thirt week, the seem to slow down, all n all. at this moment they are still in flower. some of them nearly ready , others have weeks to go. The one on the pic is like 8 weeks in flower and she have to go 3 more weeks orso.
Than I got a call from Dutch Green Grow Lights, ''hey Dokkie, Its ready, I got the 300Watt Spectra unit with extra orange, high red, extra UV-a and Infrared, wanna test it?.
Yeah finaly!, cool.....So i made some space placed me tent and mounted the two 300Watt SPECTRA-UNIT's inside.. Now I can grow some dank bud under these freaking LED's. And we'll see what happens. maby it still needs more colours or different colours in its spectrum, but heey i'm no einstein. I only know, that I will know i a couple of weeks what this lights can do. just like with the Spectrabox 90Watt. Because I tested en publiched that test with detailed pictures, everyboby can see for them selfs wath these lights can do.
And now its the same whit these 300Watts, I wanna know too.... I wanna know if these light are what they say they are. And i am most critic and sceptic, believe me. If turns out to be crap , I'll publich it to. But I am allso positive and I think these lights will suprice us.
For me personaly its like a cool thing to test. It expance my hobby a bit. and its a challence to do this..
it gives me lots of stuff to think and write about, and peeps wanna know if these light are any good, anyway...now you know why i grow under LED.
And personaly I don't give a shit anymore about peeps making money in the cannabizz with new toys, products and or big asumpisions, there is always this geek who is gonna test it and publich it all...
This thread is a few pages already and I haven't even scratched the surface but if you stay tuned I'll weed through the chaff and boil it down for my readers. Check out the thread for yourself or get a copy of his report in Highlife mag.
My opinion is he's going to change a LOT of minds about this.
BTW - the one plague that still needs to work itself out with LEDs is cost of the lamps. It's expensive as hell right now just like anything else on the bleeding edge but costs have dropped a long way on the early generation low-outpot LEDs. Rapid advances in manufacturing and a growing demand for these lamps will drive prices down pretty fast. I have already seen lamps (see my last post) that can pay for themselves in a few crops for anyone with a green thumb just keep in mind these high-end lamps coming out today are what's being used for R&D at this point.
By TwistMasterDeluxe
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