The Great American Smoke Off

I wanted a place for people to join the debate over the re-legalization of cannabis and since I've been talking about brilliant stoners I thought in honor of one of the all time great stoners Shel Silverstein, we should title the debate The Great American Smoke Off because after all the potheads want to smoke and the naysayers want to blow smoke! Sorry, I will hear all arguments with an open mind but don't expect to change my views on cannabis.

Please feel free to pull up a chair, take a toke of the joint when it comes round to you, puff puff pass to the left, and express your views. I'll do my best to break it down and educate just don't expect mercy if you're bringing bullshit.

For those of you who don't know, Shel Silverstein was one of the most prolific writers of the 20th century. A true genius with an appreciation and reverence for each art forum he had mastery of...and there were plenty. American poet, singer-songwriter, musician, cartoonist, composer, screenwriter and author of short stories, comedies and, my favorite, children's books. His books are in 20 languages and have sold over 20 million copies. His three works of poetry have sold over 14 million copies and according to he wrote 798 songs! o.O

He was the kind of guy who believed books needed to be on the right kind of paper for the type of work it was and was very careful to maintain control of how his works were published. A book collector in his own right he showed a love for well published books in his works.

I'm willing to bet that if you look hard enough everyone will be able to find someone in their family who has read one of Shel's books when they were a child. His storytelling abilities were second to none his comedy sharp and witty and his performance skills were honed to the kind of edge that only comes with complete confidence in one self tempered with years of experience. If you still don't know who I'm speaking of do yourself a favor and click Shel Silverstein for his wiki page.

The Great Smoke Off is the tale of Pearly Sweetcake, a Cali lass who can make Bogie cry uncle and the Calistoga Kid, the original Twist Master Deluxe.

Shel Silverstein - The Great Smoke Off