Sunday, July 19, 2009

Are LED grow lamps ready for personal cannabis grow prime time?

I first became interested in LED's for growing cannabis while surfing the net in the early to mid 90's and have kept a watchful eye on the technology ever since. I'd LOVE nothing more than to tell you without a doubt that a relatively cheap workable solution is here and if the author of two threads at 420 magazine's forums is on the level it just might be.

sfhaze claims to be producing 5oz per harvest every 8 weeks. He invested $1425.USD in 3 of Haight's Solid State PPF-400 lamps and with a cheap rubbermaid cabinet and a very simple soil grow he says it's costing him about $30 a month in electric. This ends up working out to less than $100 a month for 2.5 oz I would think most people could easily afford to do that and if they were allowed to sell any excess to offset costs or be able to deduct donations to terminally ill MMJ patients from taxes would allow people who can afford it to help those who can't and need the medicine the most. Legal sales would generate taxes as well as help people, it's a win/win situation.

I've read a lot of grow threads and everything I've ever found over the years pertaining to LED plant grows and sfhaze looks to be doing great. I have no reason to doubt his claims at all I'd just love to have some first hand experience with a setup like this to know for sure these bad boys deliver. If I get a chance to review these lamps I'd jump at it!

If those work as well as they look like they do it could be a huge step forward in personal medical supplies of cannabis. Micro grows. One cabinet like this (only using two lamps) could still put out a decent harvest for personal use and cut the cost of the lamps and electricity by 1/3. sf also says he does not feel at this point he is being limited by the lamps, its other variables like space. It looks to me like this could be done setup and run the first time for less than 2 grand total and it pays for itself after 3 or 4 runs tops. Less than a year to break even on a $2K investment?

I don't recommend anyone break the law by growing weed but if you are in a place where your state allows production for personal MMJ use this would be one of the best micro grow solutions anyone could consider.

I welcome all comments and would love to hear about your experience with these lamps. Be prepared to back up claims with pics or it never happened, sorry.

800W HPS replacement
The ideal size for flowering/fruiting of full sun loving plants
Covers approximately 2 sq meters (50 x 60 inches)
31 - 6W LEDs
Red, blue and white LEDs for a complete spectrum
Uses only 190W typical
Separate High/Low power control for blue/white and red
120V indoor use only
15 x 20 x 1 inch
3.5 lbs

1 year limited warranty
Made in the USA

This light easily outperforms other LED lights requiring up to 300W - We don't waste power on fans and have super efficient power circuits and LEDs. Power consumption ratings can be misleading - fans may require 10W or more each and some similar lights have 8 fans. For example, one popular grow light uses 56 cree XB LEDs and draws 120W (including it's fan) yet produces 10% less light then our PPF-400. Another well known LED light draws 90W yet outputs less then half the light of the PPF-400.

The PPF-800 should be positioned approximately 18 inches above the canopy. Use the low power setting for cuttings, recent transplants or in tight spaces.

By TwistMasterDeluxe


  1. LED Grow Lights are revolutionizing the way we grow indoors! They consume less power by delivering only the light your plants need.

    LED Grow Light

  2. LED grow lights are high intensity discharge lights. You can produce more lights as sun lights to grow plants.

    Home Staging Training

  3. The LED Grow Lights is suitable for all phases of plant growth and works equally well whether you grow in hydroponics or soil.

  4. I actually own a couple of grow lights just like this and they are fantastic. I’m able to keep some of my favorite plants inside of my bedroom which seems to keep them alive a lot longer and they seem to grow better as well. I’m wondering if I can get any vegetables to grow indoors?

  5. "Grow lights said...

    I actually own a couple of grow lights just like this and they are fantastic. I’m able to keep some of my favorite plants inside of my bedroom which seems to keep them alive a lot longer and they seem to grow better as well. I’m wondering if I can get any vegetables to grow indoors?
    September 26, 2010 12:53 PM "

    You sure can mate I'm growing my own veggies in pots now both indoors and outdoors! You don't need a lot of space to produce more than enough for you or your family and the best is you know exactly what is going into the veggies you eat.

    Sliced up two bright orange banana peppers and had them on olive hummus and crackers last night and they were some of the sweetest peppers...MMM!

  6. check these out!

  7. According to me, they are really ready for that one. Because of LED lights really gives the better light frequencies as per plants want. And this one is really the best of pillar for the indoor gardening.

    grow lights

  8. I have the PPF800. It in no way shape or form could replace an 800w HID light! It MIGHT replace a 250 HID light, MIGHT!

    The claim that it doesnt need fans and runs cool is also outright lies! Mine gets very hot on the back and when I contact HSS about this, they told me to put a fan on it and that most people liked the heat it put out. They even said they put a small fan on theirs! They should just build it with a fan and stop the BS marketing. The Led Grow Supply and Pro-Grow LED grow lights are far better! IMHO! If you put the Progrow 260 in the same room with the ppf800 and turn them both on, and then off, one at a time, you will see the progrow penetrates much further and has a much better spectrum, and is just in general a better light!

    I work for no lighting companies what so ever! Everything stated is from experience with these LED lights. We have Kessil, Pro-grow, LED Grow Supply, couple of no names units, a Glow-panel 45 and the ppf800. The ppf800 puts out about as much light as the Kessil150.

    Go try them for yourself. YOu will see what works and whats a marketing gimmick.
