Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Seattle police chief to become nation's drug czar

"Seattle Police Chief Gil Kerlikowske has accepted a job as the nation's drug czar in the Obama administration, according to a Washington, D.C. source familiar with the administration's plans."

Seattle Times staff reporters

President Obama made it clear he opposed using federal government to raid medical marijuana shops yet raids continue. So far the DEA performed five raids in California according to a recent Washington Times article. Even though, as the article points out Obama made promises to end such raids. The DEA seems to have misplaced the memo. It's starting to look like Obama wanted to get more of the key positions filled before issuing any directives or he may be trusting appointees to makes the changes themselves. Either way I hope it's done soon. Wasting taxpayer resources to seize medical marijuana when the taxpayers have enacted laws allowing it is crazy. Add in todays economy and its almost criminal. The Justice Dept and the DEA know how the President feels on this and more importantly they know how the citizens of these states feel, after all they did pass laws allowing medical cannabis. Why they continue these operations I will never understand.

If you think about it, laws created by the people themselves should always trump laws created by congress. Part of the reason Congress even exists is to insure that it's not a small handful of people creating laws. The more people you have in the process the less chance tyranny wins and bad laws get enacted. Less chance that what the majority of the population thinks is best gets tossed aside. Many more people were directly represented when they voted to make medical marijuana legal then were involved in making pot illegal. Congress should recognize this and defer to the voters. Opponents within the legislature will say they represent the "will of the voter" but all too often that's just not the case. Quite a few of the people I've talked with who have recently sent letters and emails to their "representative" have received mixed replies. Most seem to be getting supporting replies with one "I don't support this issue" response. 'I' does not sound like the will of the voter to me.

Polls show an overwhelming public support for medical marijuana. It's time our reps in Washington realize its not what they think its the people they were elected to represent who's opinion matters.

Some people are saying that Obama so far has not picked marijuana friendly people to fill key positions indicating nothing will change but others seem to think Obama will push one way or another to get these raids ended and they remain optimistic. I just hope that these appointments signal the beginning of the end for the "dark ages" of medical marijuana. Only time will tell.

By TwistMasterDeluxe

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