Thursday, February 12, 2009

Eight arrested in connection with the Phelps bonging.

This sheriff has to be out of his mind. Not only is he wasting taxpayer money chasing this ridiculous excuse for news but he arrested eight people none of which were Michael Phelps.

All of this over a bong hit its unreal, its not like he was selling it. And this coming from someone who thinks SOMEONE should be selling it legally.

I hope it was all worth it to the person who sold the photo in the first place. All Phelps was guilty of was being stupid enough to take the hit in what amounts to a public place. I doubt he's a regular user though so in his defense I can understand him not having a close group of friends with which to enjoy some weed with in a more private setting.

He was at a party blowing off some steam cut the kid a break. Phelps was much better off hitting that bong than he would be drinking the beer in the background of the photo.

Millions of Americans smoke weed once in a while and unless you count the gold medals Michael Phelps is no different from them. I'm disappointed Phelps chose not to take a stand but I do understand why. There are a lot of pressures coming from all different angles for someone like him and it surely was in his best interest to handle it like he did. Its unfortunate a sponsor like Kellogg's drops him even after he toes the line but the really sad part of the story is that now other people are paying for his mistake. Seven were arrested for possession and one for distribution. Seven more people who are no different from the millions. At least stoners are showing with the boycott of Kellogg's they'll stand up for Phelps even if he won't stand up for us. I'm really going to miss Cheese-Its.

By TwistMasterDeluxe
Sheriff Leon Lott
The Michael Phelps bong photo fiasco continued today as Richland County Sheriff Leon Lott arrested eight people connected to the party where the photo was taken.
full story

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