Saturday, October 16, 2010

Stoners need a makeover!

Stoners need a makeover!

I've always said stoners are our own worst enemy when it comes to how the non-toking citizens perceive us. What is the first image that comes to mind when you hear the term stoner? Is it Jeff Spicoli? How about Cheech & Chong? Ok then there's a "Friday" in the title right? :D

While I wouldn't change a single thing about stoner movies the problem is many non-tokers don't get our humor. They don't 'get it', all they see is the stereotype stupid stoner and believe yep...that's it, that's how they all are. Naturally without the stereotypes the humor is not there to begin with and like all good stereotypes they are all based in truth. Also like all good stereotypes it's not the rule it's the exception.

The gateway drug theory

The gateway drug theory, stoner PR and COPS.

There are no gateway drugs, stoners need a make-over and COPS...well...

Friday, October 15, 2010

CNN helps stir the cannabis pot!

CNN helps stir the cannabis pot!

Sorry I just couldn't help myself. :)

I love that CNN is stirring the debate about cannabis legalization but Ruben Navarrette Jr.'s OP-ED piece "Legal pot in California a big mistake" is wrong, misinformed and to be honest at times, a bit scary.

I'm glad to see mainstream media outlets giving more exposure to the topic of ending cannabis prohibition. CNN along with other outlets such as CNBC and the WSJ have been giving a good amount of air time recently to the topic and I think that's exactly what needs to happen if this country is ever going to come to it's senses.

I believe nationally syndicated columnist, NPR commentator and regular contributor to, Ruben Navarrette Jr. to of the senseless.